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SHORIN RYU is the most illustrious style of Okinawa Karate. It is made up of a handful of schools: Matsubayashi Ryu, Kobayashi Ryu, Saybayashi Ryu, Matsumura seito Ryu, Sindo Ryu and others. The largest of them being the Matsubayashi Ryu school with 30 000 members.

The head of this school used to be Master Shoshin Nagamine , holder of the 10th (highest) Dan in Karate, who had studied with the greatest masters: Choki Motobu, Chotoki Kuan, Ankiti Aragaki. Shoshin Nagamine was also the author of the book " The essence of Okinawa Karate" which is now in its 22 edition.

Since his death Shorin Ryu has been led by his son Hanshi Takayoshi Nagamine , holder of the 10th Dan in Okinawa karate and President of the World Shorin Ryu karatedo kobudo Federation.

Soke Takayoshi Nagamine 10th dan, President of the World Okinawa Karate and Kobudo Federation, our teacher, passed away in April 27, 2012. Soke Nagamine has done a lot for the development of traditional Okinawan karate and kobudo in Russia and we his students will sanctify his memory. We remember and mourn.

Honbu dojo of the World Shorin Ryu karatedo kobudo Federation. Sensei Valeriy Maistrovoy and President WSKKF Hanshi Takayoshi Nagamine 10th Dan, shortly after Valeriy Maistrovoy passed the 4th Dan exam in Okinawa te and Kobudo Shorin ryu (Matsubayashi). (May 15, 1998/ Naha (Okinawa, Japan)).

Honbu dojo Russian Okinawa karate kobudo Federation, seminar Soke T. Nagamine, Moscow 2006.


This style of Okinawa karate, which is very popular all over the world, was created by the great master Tejun Miagi . Upon his death the most senior disciple Meitoku Yagi (1912 - 2003) became his heir and successor. In accordance with ancient traditions he was officially appointed the Head of the style and received his karategi and belt from Tedyun Miagi's family.

The vice-president of the style is the master's son Hanshi Meitetsu Yagi, holder of the 10th Dan title in Goju-ryu karate and President of the Okinawa Federation of Karate-do Gojukai.

Honbu Dojo (Meibukan) of the Okinawa Goju Ryu-Gojukai in Naha (Okinawa, Japan 1997), Sensei Valeriy Maistrovoy and Hanshi Meitetsu Yagi 10th dan.


Honbu Dojo (Meibukan) of the Okinawa Goju Ryu-Gojukai in Naha (Okinawa, Japan 2007), Sensei Valeriy Maistrovoy 7th dan and Hanshi Meitetsu Yagi 10th dan.


Hanshi Meitetsu Yagi and Sensei Valeriy Maistrovoy at the monument of Kanryo Higaona and Miagi Tejun.


The third most famous and popular style of Okinawa Karate, created by the Okinawa master Kanbun Uechi , who also taught Chinese Martial Arts. The present Head of school is the master's grandson - Kanme , holder of the 9th Dan in Uechi Karate. The most famous masters of Uechi-Ryu are Kiyohide Shinyo, Sayko Itokasu, and Takemi Takayasu.

Honbu dojo Uechi-ryu Kenyukai Okinawa Japan (2008), Sensei Valeriy Maistrovoy 7-th dan and Hanshi Kiyohide Shinjo 8-th dan (7-th times Okinawa kumite champion).

Honbu dojo Russian Okinawa karate kobudo Federation. Seminar Hanshi Takemi Takayasu. From left to right: Sempai Gennadi Udovichenko 4-nd dan, Hanshi Takemi Takayasu 8-th dan, Kioshi Valeriy Maistrovoy 7-th dan. Moscow 2002.


Honbu dojo. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Renmei (Kodokan), Sensei Valeriy Maistrovoy, Head-Instructor Yoshiaki Gakuya 8th Dan(in the center) In the second row on the left - Koudzi Yoshihira 8th Dan, President of the Okinawa-Kempo Full-Contact Karate-Do Association. Okinawa, Japan 1998.

Honbu dojo Russian Okinawa karate kobudo Federation. Seminar Hanshi Eihachi Ota 9-th dan kobudo. Moscow 2005.

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